HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? +256 77 259-1664 | info@kabowahighschool.com

Location: Rubaga, Rubaga South Kampala(U)


"Academic Excellence Is The Key"


To provide quality and affordable services that will develop academically excellent, morally upright, hardworking and socially responsible citizens of the world.


To become a center of academic excellence in a safe, nurturing and enabling environment.

School Anthem
Kabowa High School
The school of wisdom
Lord to thee we bring
The standards of the school
Always to shine on us
Always to shine and groom
The school of yielding discipline
In thy hands Lord we put
Blessed be our school
Like the blessed rays of the morning
Into thee we love to strive
Training the children
Fighting illiteracy
We are sure of a good future
As our motto says
Academic Excellency is the key
Lord uphold our school
As the children of Uganda
We know the way into the future
Is hard, shall always persevere
Because we are committed to school
For the good times to come
We know Education is the key

Kabowa High School Background

Before 2001, the land where the school is was nothing more than a plantation of bananas and a few residential houses for rent and it was debatable at that time whether a school of Kabowa's kind would emerge on this land.

Though realized in 2001, the dream of establishing a school had for long occupied the mind of its founder; the late Hajat Nakawungu Mastullah (RIP) who implemented it with co directors; Mr. Nsiyaleeta Ibrahim, Mr. Mbowa Swaib and Mrs. Nampeera Mariam Mbowa. The directors remained two (2) after Mr. and Mrs. Mbowa pulled out in 2008. According to the Director, this dream dates back in 1997 and indeed its establishment was a dream come true. "Like it is in most cases, the inception was not simple. So many factors were at play in our first year of operation and these ranged from the smallness of means to fully realize our dream, indiscipline of some students and the academically poor students then, since an overwhelming majority of the population at the time comprised of rejects from other schools" narrates Mr. Nsiyaleeta Ibrahim. With determination however, the zeal to succeed did not fade in the least and indeed everything possible was done to reshape not only moral behavior of the students but also their academic performance. The support received from the community in the first year of operation was so impressive and there was no way the school would disappoint, both students and parents.

In 2001, the directors were unable to secure a UNEB center number that would enable them register candidate students for the national examinations in both 0 and A levels and the few candidates were registered at Crane High School —Nateete. In the following year (2002), school obtained the UNEB center number, U1336."Acquisition of the center number guaranteed more support for the school and so the students population increased tremendously,"according to Mrs. Kaddu Anna, a stakeholder in the school.

As mentioned earlier on, there were quite a number of challenges which included among others; registration of academically weak students, inadequate resources to manage the school at the time, low student enrolment hence low income sources, untimely and uncertain payment of school fees to mention but a few. Despite all the above challenges, the school had to maintain its mission of providing quality and affordable education to all people in the community. Due to the desire to provide equal opportunity for education to all, an adult literacy program was introduced in 2002 which opened the school gates to a good number of mature age students who wished to continue with their pursuits and sit for both UCE and UACE examinations. This program worked so well and through it, eight (8) adult candidates sat for UCE exams for that year. Some of these students returned to continue with their Advanced level education and later on joined different universities.

In 2005, the school population had grown to over 360 students and by the end of 2008; the student population had risen to over 600. It is undoubtedly factual that the increase in student numbers owed its pedestal to the improvement in the school's academic performance. It is 2005 that the school obtained its first government sponsored student, Nantaba Sharifah, for a Bachelor of International business course. The delight that the teachers' inexorable efforts were never wasted encouraged them to continuously labor towards achieving the school feat of academic excellence. The year marked the beginning of a continuous and sustainable growing academic performance and since then, the school has been registering quite an excellent performance on both levels and also admitting a great number of students to both public and private higher institutions of learning on degree and diploma courses both on government and private sponsorships.

As earlier mentioned, school's academic performance in both levels is highly attributed to the committed, experienced and highly professional teaching staff. The school had seventeen (17) pioneer staff among them and those still serving at the school include; Kato George and Kawooya Adnan later on joined by Ms. Nankumba Sophie, Mr. Ndugga Dithan, Ms. Kobuyonjo Harriet,Mr. Ssenyondo Joy Martin and Mr. Kivumbi Mathias. The pioneer non-teaching staff members included; Mr. Mugisha Robert and Late Kapera Joseph later on joined by Ms. Nantale Scovia, Mr.Mawa David, Mr.Ofezu John and Mr.Onzima Jackson. Currently, the school employs over 64 professional teaching staff with a support staff of over 26 members.

Early in 2011, the school lost its co-founder and co-director, the Late Hajat Nakawungu Mastullah, a tragedy that shocked and broke hearts of students, teachers, parents and every stakeholder who knew the late. According to the director, she conceived the idea of the school, initiated it and nurtured it till the day she grasped her last breathe. The ordeal was an unbearable one but was also an encouragement to foster her efforts; her candle that was lit had to be kept glowing and indeed; her dream of an academically excellent and vivacious school has flourished to date. She left a gap that can never be filled and we pray that the Almighty God rest her soul in eternal peace and grant her the best place in Jana. We are indebted to everyone who has continuously labored to enable Kabowa High School achieve its mission. Such achievement has not come on a silver plate; it has taken a lot of hard work, sacrifice, commitment and endurance amidst all hardships. Kabowa High has persevered and it's now 17 YEARS of her existence and the future seems even brighter than ever before. As we launch the 5th Edition of the Lantern magazine, let's all toast to the 17 years of exceptional Education and Value. As the school motto says: ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE IS THE KEY; Kabowa High School will live to produce academically excellent and morally upright leaders of the world.

Jagenda Trevor Kinyabwiru Senior OB (2005-2010)